Do you want to know who is behind the brand? In this post we share the interview of Jaira, the creator of Kistaku for the blog's section Expat Heroines on "Amor sin Fronteras" by Eliana Duarte. This section relates stories about women who have had the initiative of being entrepreneur out of their native country. In our case, Jaira is from Spain and Kistaku was born in France.

Eliana Duarte, creator of the blog Amor Sin fronteras is from Colombia and also lives in Paris. With her blog and coaching sesions, she wants to share experiences and guide people to live a better migration process. She contacted Jaira to add her migration anecdotes and to know how she experiences raising a project living in a foreign country.
Once in Paris and in order to have economic stability, Jaira got a job where people only went to meet schedules, where there is no motivation, where ideas for new projects are not breathed. This boring environment and not stimulating for others was stimulating enough for her because she said to herself "I have to do something better." Jaira
If you want to know more about the interview, check the link out: